Functional Family Probation and Parole Training

FFT LLC is committed to the highest standards of training, consultation, and service. FFT LLC trains and certifies groups of three or more probation/parole officers and their supervisor in various systems to implement and sustain Functional Family Probation & Parole (FFP) services. We ask potential FFP providers/sites to begin by reviewing the materials on this page and contacting us to complete the application for site certification. A conference call will then be arranged to answer questions, identify challenges and think through the next steps. Once both parties concur the site is ready to proceed, FFP training will be scheduled.

Phases of FFP Training
Through a mutual commitment to the training process and to developing adherence and competence in the FFP model, our phasic implementation process has proven highly successful in community replication of our FFP model. Phases of the FFP training and certification process include:
- Phase I - Case Management/Model Training
- Phase II - Supervision Training Year
- Phase III - Maintenance Phase
- After Phase III
- Phase I - Case Management/Model Training
- Phase I - Case Management/Model Training
- Phase II - Supervision Training Year
- Phase III - Maintenance Phase
- After Phase III
The initial goal of the first phase of FFP implementation is to ensure that the site builds a lasting infrastructure that supports probation/parole officers to take maximum advantage of FFP training/consultation. During this phase, staff are trained on the core constructs, assessment, and intervention techniques of FFP and ongoing monitoring of outcomes via agency data collection or the use of FFP’s web-based documentation system. Additional time is spent in addressing site-specific implementation challenges (i.e.— referral criteria, referral process, integration of services, system barriers, etc.). It is expected Phase 1 to be completed in one year, but not any longer than 18 months. By the end of Phase I, FFP’s objective is for officers to demonstrate strong adherence and high competence in the FFP model.
The goal of the second phase is to assist the site in creating greater self-sufficiency in FFP, while also maintaining and enhancing site adherence/competence in the model. During this phase, FFP’s focus is on the continued support and training the FFP team supervisor. FFP Supervisors will attend two supervisor trainings. After completion of the 1st supervisor training, the onsite supervisor is then supported by FFP via bi-weekly phone consultations and a one-day follow-up training. In addition, FFP provides any ongoing consultation as necessary. Specific areas of focus include ongoing development of individual staff, the team’s adherence and competence to the model, data trends, community barriers etc. Phase II is a year-long process.
The goal of the third phase of FFP implementation is to move into a partnering relationship to ensure ongoing model fidelity and staff development, interagency linking, and program expansion. FFP provides annual training activities and monthly consultation services to support the site’s continuous education and competence in FFP. The annual oversight and consultation practices are considered necessary for an FFP site to remain certified.

FFP will continue to contract with sites annually upon completion of the Phase 3 training phase. Annual contracts will replicate activities described in the Phase 3 training phase which are considered necessary for an FFP site to remain certified.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a typical FFP caseload?
FFP caseloads per worker are up to 15 cases maximum.
Is FFP therapy?
No. FFP is case management. It is a structured, family-based intervention in which workers use a multi-step approach to enhance supervision of the youth in the community. FFP workers refer to appropriate services which target the youth/family risk and protective factors.
What happens after the Phase 3 training year?
FFP sites who wish to continue to be a certified FFP site after their Phase 3 training year continue a yearly contract with FFT LLC.
How often do we meet with a consultant?
Phase 1 training year, the team meets with an FFP National Consultant weekly for an hour. Participation is mandatory. Thereafter, the consultant meets with the local FFP Supervisor.
Can staff work part time in FFP?
FFP does not encourage part time work.
Do we need community partners to implement FFP?
Yes, working relationships with community providers and organizations, schools, etc. has led to greater success.
What happens in the case of staff attrition?
FFP provides specific on-line replacement training periodically to onboard new FFP workers or supervisors.
Is there a documentation system FFP workers use?
FFP sites can use a web-based documentation system (CSS). It allows for workers to document meetings, contacts with families and provides various reports specific to quality assurance. CSS usage is encouraged but not mandated.